Download and installation - Step by step
- The download and installation process is quick and easy.
- A typical installation process from download till the launch of the installed program should not take longer than 2 to 3 minutes.
- Flip through the screens below to follow a normal installation process.
Note: Place your mouse cursor on the screens to see the [< left] and [right >] navigation arrows.
Download from the publisher's site
Navigate to the download section and click on the download button.
This will initiate the download of the installation file.

Save the installation file
Save the installation file to your default Download location or somewhere onto your computer.
A temporary folder can be used as the file can be deleted after the installation
You may also directly run it to start the installation.

Start the installation
Use your Windows Explorer to locate the file you have saved.
Double-click on the file to start the installation.

Overwrite Windows warning - 1. Step
Windows gives a normal security warning when a less known application is being started.
Overwrite security screen by selecting [More info]

Overwrite Windows warning - 2. Step
Check the name of the verified [Publisher] to be [Thomas-Manuel Stein]
It should be the same as on the image and continue with [Run anyway].

User Account Control (UAC)
Every installation requires administrator privileges to make changes.
If UAC was activated on your Windows an administrator password is required.
Enter the administrator password and continue with [Yes].

Licence agreement
You can read the licence agreement in full by using the scrollbar on the right.
Then click on "I accept the agreement" in order to continue.
Continue with [Next]

Select additional tasks
The program will place icons on your desktop and in your quick launch bar.
Remove ticks from the checkboxes if not required.
Continue with [Next].

Ready to install
You have reached the point where the actual installation of the program will commence. An overview of what will be done is given.
Use the [Back] button if you still prefer to change some settings.
Continue with [Install].

Installing - progress
The installation is on its way - progress bar is being shown.

Additional information
Some background information on RoboCopy is being shown.
Continue with [Next].

Installation completed
The installation is now completed and the program is ready to use!
If you prefer to launch program at another time just remove the tick from the checkbox.
Click on [Finish] to launch the program.

Main screen - New installation
You have reached the main screen of a new installation.
It is now ready to be used and configured:
- Evaluation licence is activated and program is ready to go;
- Sample entries and structure is provided making it easier to get started;
- [Admin] mode is actived allowing for changes and configurations to be applied.